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A: We don’t always pay attention to balanced meals and healthy habits that support our immune systems. Taking supplements helps to ensure that you and your child will still get all the required nutrients to support your immune health even if not obtained in your diet.4c,5ac

A: ViralGuard Junior Syrup is formulated for children but can also be taken by adults especially if they have difficulty in swallowing tablets.24

A: ViralGuard is not intended to replace a healthy diet. ViralGuard contains ingredients to boost immunity and 'top-up' areas of need in a diet, but a healthy diet is always important, in addition to supplementation. 4c,5a

A: ViralGuard Junior Syrup, ViralGuard Throat Spray and ViralGuard Tablets and ViralGuard Fizzi Chews do contain sugar. 21,23,24,32

A: We don’t always pay attention to balanced meals and healthy habits that support our immune systems. Taking supplements helps to ensure that you and your child will still get all the required nutrients to support your immune health even if not obtained in your diet.4c,5ac

A: ViralGuard Fizzi Chews and ViralGuard Junior Syrup can both be given to children from 1 year old. ViralGuard Throat Spray may be used for children older than 3 years.22,23,24

A: All medicines should be kept safely out of reach of children. However ViralGuard Fizzi Chews are packaged in a container with a child-proof lid for your child’s safety. 22b

A: ViralGuard Junior Syrup is alcohol free. It also does not contain tartrazine for your child’s health. 24

A: Theoretically we should be able to get all the nutrients we need from our diets, however, most of us do not have perfect diets, and do not always eat healthy foods.3a,5cde In addition, modern food does not always contain all the nutrients that it did in the past.25a,26a

A: We don’t always pay attention to balanced meals and healthy habits that support our immune systems. Taking supplements helps to ensure that you and your child will still get all the required nutrients to support your immune health even if not obtained in your diet.4c,5ac