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Immune support – more than just vitamins

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is critical for a strong immune system and overall wellbeing, but sometimes we may need some support when the system becomes strained. When our immune systems are compromised, we are more prone to infections such as colds and flu, and it is even harder to fight these infections. 3a, 4a,b,c We know that vitamins and minerals are crucial for a healthy immune system 4d, 11a , but as we find the cells representing almost 70 % of our entire immune system in our gut, this seems to be a very important place to start. 12a

Immunity from gut bacteria

Our gut is the home of many naturally occurring beneficial bacteria, that interact with our immune cells to make sure that our immune system matures and functions correctly. The bacteria’s effect on our immunity continues during our lifetime and has a significant impact on whole-body health. 13a,b An imbalance of beneficial bacteria and pathogenic bacteria or a loss of good gut bacteria, however, leads to reduced immunity. 13c Gut bacteria are affected by the food you eat, for example high-sugar, high fat foods reduce good gut bacteria and allow harmful bacteria to overgrow. 14a Antibiotics also disturb the balance between good and bad gut bacteria.14b

What are probiotics and prebiotics?

Probiotics are live bacteria that are found in various foods and supplements. There are many probiotic foods, such as yoghurt and fermented foods that contain beneficial bacteria. 14c,d If you are shopping for probiotic foods, remember that it should contain live bacteria cultures and make sure that they are not pasteurized as this will kill the bacteria. 14e

Prebiotics are types of fibre that are found in vegetables fruits and legumes such as lentils, peas, beans and even peanuts. Your good gut bacteria can digest these fibres, even though you can’t. This provides the nutrients needed by your gut bacteria to support healthy digestion and immune function. 14f,g

So to keep your gut bacteria balanced, you should include probiotic foods and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet. 14h If your diet is lacking, the right strains of probiotics in a supplement may be very beneficial. 14i

Immunity from plants

ß-Glucan occurs naturally in various plants, but also as a part of the cell walls of certain bacteria and fungi. 15a ß-Glucan acts as an immune system activator and modifies the way our immune cells respond to harmful substances or pathogens. 15b,c,d

Pelargonium (Pelargonium sidoides) and Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) are plant extracts that have been proven to reduce the severity of cold symptoms and help to reduce the time absent from work or school. 16a,b, 17a,b

Echinacea has been clinically studied over the past 50 years and has proven to effectively stimulate the immune system. 18a,b

Propolis contains flavonoids that are powerful antioxidants and play an important role in the maintenance of a healthy immunity and overall wellbeing. 19a

Immunity from Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins play a significant role in building immunity, and these include vitamins A, C, D, E, B6, B12 and folate. Together with the trace elements selenium, zinc, and iron they contribute to the body’s natural defences on three levels by supporting physical barriers (skin/mucosa), cellular immunity and anti-body production. 20a

Selecting a product to boost immunity


Immune support – more than just vitamins


Changing nutritional needs